SPECIAL****** 25% off ALL orders May 1, 2024, through June 1, 2024 Use code: EXTRA25 at checkout


Free 30 Minute Consultation

US$50.00 US$0.00

Free 30 Minute Consultation

US$50.00 US$0.00

Explore a transformative protential of personalized coaching with a free 30-minute consultation.  This introductory session offers you a chance to discuss your apsirations and challenges, providing insight into how tailored coaching strategies can help you achieve personal and professional growth.  It's an ideal opportunity to experience the benefits of coaching with Lisa Allen on The Journey and see how it can be customized to support your unique journey.

Experience a comphrehensive 2-hour consultation with "The Journey" Coaching to dive dep into your personal goals and navigate life's transitions. This session is tailored to explore your unique chanllenges and opportunities, providing you with actionable insights and personalized strategies to move forward effectively.

"The Boost" an energizing 1.5-hour coaching sessino offered at the price of just one hour! This special session is designed to maximize your development and progress by providing concentrated, effective guidance that energizes your journey towards personal and professional growth. Experience more value and impace in less time, ensuring you leave each session invigorated and ready to tackle your goal.

1. 4 week session (4, 1 hour sessions)

2. Customized The Journey Workbook tailored to your needs of self-exploration and well-being from personal, spiritual to professional. 

3. Supportive Emails, text and calls of affirmations and other supports tailored throughout the process. 

4. Learn About ME- Swag bag

1. 6 week sessions (6, 1 hour sessions) 

2. Customized The Journey Workbook tailored to your needs of self-exploration and well-being from personal, spiritual to professional. Addition you will receive a workbook series created to extend beyond coaching sessions to prepare you to apply lessons learned towards your success.

3. Access to Private peer group and Private FaceBook support group upon rotation.

4. Supportive Emails, text and calls of affirmations and other supports tailored throughout the process. 

5. Let ME love ME - Swag bag

1. 12 week sessions (12, 1.5 hour sessions) 

2. Customized The Journey Workbook tailored to your needs of self-exploration and well-being from personal, spiritual to professional. Addition you will receive a workbook series created to extend beyond coaching sessions to prepare you to apply lessons learned towards your success.

3. Access to Private peer group and Private FaceBook support group upon rotation.

4. Supportive Emails, text and calls of affirmations and other supports tailored throughout the process. 

5. NO Stopping ME - Swag bag

6.**3 additional sessions beyond contracted sessions to be utilized within 3 months of last coaching session.  Can be combined with other coaching packages completed!!!!!!


I am ALL into ME - coming May 2024!

US$8,200.00 US$4,999.00

I am ALL into ME - coming May 2024!

US$8,200.00 US$4,999.00


1. 6 month sessions (24, 2 hour sessions) 

2. Customized The Journey Workbook tailored to your needs of self-exploration and well-being from personal, spiritual to professional. Addition you will receive a workbook series created to extend beyond coaching sessions to prepare you to apply lessons learned towards your success.

3. Access to Private peer group and Private FaceBook support group upon rotation.

4. Supportive Emails, text and calls of affirmations and other supports tailored throughout the process. 

5. ALL ME & Then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Swag bag

6.**6 additional sessions beyond contracted sessions to be utilized within 3 months of last coaching session.  Can be combined with other coaching packages completed!!!!!! ($1200.00 savings)

7. *** 1- weekend in-person session to include 3 days of coaching. Meals included!!!!!!!! A weekend with coach Lisa in YOUR state. Customized weekend planned by Coach Lisa!!

8. AMAZING discounts on "The Journey" Conferences and Retreats!!